
2024 Campaign: Solidarity! Solidarity. Solidarity?: We’re (not) all in this together!

November 14, 2023
Art+Feminism solidarity-themed campaign illustration

Starting today, Art+Feminism kicks off our 2024 campaign “Solidarity! Solidarity. Solidarity?: We’re (not) all in this together!” where we call for a deeper reflection of what solidarity means and what it looks like in practice and action. We invite you to learn with us as we unpack “solidarity” and how we can transform banner statements into action. 

Let’s be candid — solidarity has become a buzzword that is too often performative and not backed by structural or organizational change. Art+Feminism is on our own journey of learning how we can center and nurture solidarity that transcends words on a page and hashtags on social media. 

In a society dominated by colonialist, capitalistic, racist, and patriarchal structures, we must ask ourselves, “what does solidarity truly mean?” Who, and what movements do you find yourself extending solidarity towards?  Are there movements and ideologies you find yourself rejecting? What does solidarity look like to you? We hope you join us in this exploration. 

Throughout the campaign, we will dive into the social constructs of solidarity and explore its artistic manifestations. We’ll suggest strategies for fostering solidarity in movement work and the workplace.

Beginning in January 2024, Art+Feminism will be rolling out programming around our theme including: 

  • Art+Feminism Conversations, virtual events where leading and emerging voices in arts and feminism join us to discuss solidarity
  • #NowEditingAF: Virtual Editing Tables, a monthly space to learn new Wiki skills and edit and build community together, with no previous experience required
  • Community Hours, a periodic online peer-learning space with topics such as how to use Petscan and case studies from past Art+Feminism events

If this resonates with you, we welcome you to organize an Art+Feminism event (i.e., edit-a-thon, meetup, panel, or photowalk) for this year’s campaign. To get started, pledge now to host an Art+Feminism event by contacting us below. We’ll connect you with an Art+Feminism Regional Ambassador. 

If you’re at a Gallery, Library, Archive or Museum (GLAM) we have resources you can share with your team to introduce Art+Feminism. For those who have never edited, we have resources available on our website for getting started with Wikipedia. These resources are available in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French . 

We’re excited to continue this conversation and will be here to listen, engage and support you. Thank you for being here.


Image: Audenasr, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons